Participation in these studies must be in compliance with your local ethical and patient consent guidelines.
Pre-Transplant Findings
With the collaboration of 29 centers, it was possible to show in a first study of 3,900 kidney transplants that pre-transplant determination of sCD30, especially in combination with HLA antibodies, is a good indicator for estimating the risk of graft rejection (1). In a multi-center study we could extend this finding to donor-specific HLA antibodies (DSA) detected by single antigen bead technology (SAB). In pre-sensitized patients with cytotoxic or ELISA-reactive HLA antibodies, pre-transplant DSA influenced graft survival; however, only if the patients were, in addition, positive also for sCD30 (2). Graft survival was not impaired in DSA-positive pre-sensitized patients with low sCD30 indicating that an activated immune system and T cell help is a prerequisite for pre-transplant DSA to exert their harmful effects. In our local cohort of immunologically high-risk patients we could demonstrate that, in the absence of sCD30, pre-transplant DSA disappear after transplantation in many patients, and high-risk patients with pre-transplant positivity of the activation marker sCD30 are at a seven times higher risk of graft loss than sCD30-negative recipients (2). Our data suggest that patients positive for both pre-transplant DSA and sCD30 require special measures, whereas exclusion of DSA-positive patients from transplantation in the absence of high sCD30 may not be justified in all cases, even if the pre-transplant DSA are strong and complement activating (2,3).
In a recent study, we found that, besides non-immunological factors, also the pre-transplant presence of HLA class I and II antibodies increases the risk of delayed graft function (DGF) (4). DGF alone doubled the risk for graft loss and the risk increased further if HLA antibodies or DSA were present pre-transplant, indicating that measures to prevent the strong negative impact of DGF on outcome are necessary, especially during organ allocation for pre-sensitized patients.
In a survey of more than 160,000 patients transplanted between 1982 and 2002 we made the surprising observation that high pre-transplant lymphocytotoxic PRA influences graft outcome also in transplants from HLA-identical siblings, indicating that non-HLA alloimmunity must play an important role in kidney transplantation (5). In the CTS Serum Study pre-transplant presence of non-HLA MICA antibodies were associated with poor outcome (6). Currently we are investigating the role of donor-specific MICA antibodies in kidney transplantation.
Post-Transplant Findings
In a previous pilot study of 56 kidney recipients we found that measuring sCD30 in the first week
post-transplant was useful for identifying recipients at risk of impending graft rejection.
On post-transplant days 3-5 we were able to differentiate recipients who subsequently developed
acute rejection from recipients with an uncomplicated course and, importantly, from recipients with
acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in the absence of rejection (7). An additional study
showed that increased sCD30 and neopterin at 1 year post-transplant are predictive of chronic allograft
nephropathy at 2 years (8).
In further course we extended our studies to a prospective multicenter study in which sCD30 was
determined in 2,322 adult deceased-donor kidney recipients at several time intervals post-transplantation.
Patients with a high sCD30 on day 30 showed a two-fold higher risk of graft loss after 3 years than
recipients with a low sCD30 (9). Although an association was found between pre- and post-transplant
sCD30 levels, patients with high sCD30 on post-transplant day 30 demonstrated significantly lower
3-year graft survival irrespective of the pretransplant level. In Cox regression analysis in which
serum creatinine was considered a confounder high sCD30 and high creatinine on post-transplant day 30
were found to be independent risk factors for subsequent graft loss. As in pretransplant studies,
patients with high sCD30 and HLA antibodies post-transplant showed a strikingly impaired graft survival.
Our studies indicate that a serum level between 80 and 100 ng/mL can be used as a clinically meaningful
cut-off for tests before and 40 ng/mL as a cut-off for tests after transplantation.
In another multicenter effort de novo and especially C1q-positive DSA proved to be indicators of subsequent
graft loss (10). In line with these findings, 6 of 80 desensitized patients from our local immunologically
high-risk cohort lost their graft within the first 4 years after transplantation due to antibody-mediated
rejection (3). All 6 were C1q-DSA-positive prior to failure. Five were sCD30-positive before and all were
sCD30-positive after transplantation.
Experimental studies underline the key role of CD30 in the generation of alloimmune responses (11-13),
and clinical studies in kidney, heart, lung and stem cell transplant recipients support the relevance of
sCD30 and HLA antibody monitoring in organ and stem cell transplantation (14-31).
Study Design
I. Serum collection for "Pre-Transplant Serum Study"
- One pretransplant serum, preferably last serum before transplantation
II. Serum collection for "Post-Transplant Serum Study"
- Pretransplant serum, preferably last serum before transplantation
- 2 sera during the first posttransplant week, preferably on days 2 and 6
- 1 serum at the end of the 1st posttransplant month
- Not obligatory - but if possible - additional sera at the end of month 3, 6, 12, and 24, obtained during routine clinical visits
- Not obligatory - but if possible - recipient and donor DNA
Serum Collection Scheme |
Pre-Tx |
First Post-Tx Week |
One Month |
Additional Sera |
Day 0 |
Days 2, 6 |
Day 30 |
approx. Days 90, 180, 365, 730, yearly thereafter |
Serum samples
1-2 ml serum without additives (minimum 0.5 ml). Two hours after blood donation, the serum should be
separated from cell material by centrifugation and frozen and stored at -20°C.
DNA samples
EDTA blood, buffy coat and in the case of donor also spleen tissue can be frozen and stored at -20°C
Shipment of frozen samples to Heidelberg, Germany, at dates to be announced (twice a year).
- Regular CTS questionnaires (no additional paper work)
One additional 3-month questionnaire: (Download study form)
- Graft function within 24 hours: Yes / No
- Dialysis during first week: Yes / No
Biopsy-proven rejection during first 3 months: Yes / No
- If yes: Date of first rejection: ... (Day/Month/Year)
- If yes: Type of first rejection: Border / TCMR / ABMR
Infection during first 3 months: Yes / No
- If yes: Date of first infection: ... (Day/Month/Year)
- If yes: Type of first infection: Bacterial / Fungal / Viral
- if viral: ... (specify virus)
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