
This list features publications by the CTS team since 1984. It is updated as new articles become available. To find a keyword in the title or the source (journal/book), please use your browser's search capabilities (usually <ctrl><F>).

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Author(s) Maradit Kremers H, Funch DP, Robson RA, Nalesnik MA, Ebrahim S, Cecka MJ, Opelz G, Dreyer NA, Walker AM
Title A combination study design to examine mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and PTLD in renal transplant patients.
Source Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 8:509-518, 1999 Abstract
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Effect of immunosuppressive therapy on graft half-life projections.
Source Transplant Proc 31 (Suppl 7A):31S-33S, 1999 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Factors influencing kidney graft survival in Latin America.
Source Transplant Proc 31:2951-2954, 1999 Full Text
Author(s) Wujciak T, Opelz G
Title Evaluation of HLA matching for CREG antigens in Europe.
Source Transplantation 68:1097-1099, 1999 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Döhler B, Wujciak T for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Current results as reference for future improvements in immunosuppression.
Source Transplantation and Clinical Immunology 31:3-9, 1999 Abstract
Author(s) Tremmel M, Opelz G, Mytilineos J
Title High resolution typing for HLA-DRB*15 and -DRB*16 by fluorescence-marked sequence-specific priming (TaqMan assay).
Source Tissue Antigens 54:508-516, 1999 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T, Döhler B for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Is HLA matching worth the effort?
Source Transplant Proc 31:717-720, 1999 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Immunosuppression with FK506 does not improve kidney graft survival.
Source Transplant Proc 31:1147-1148, 1999 Full Text
Author(s) Melk A, Daniel V, Weimer R, Mandelbaum A, Wiesel M, Staehler G, Opelz G
Title P-glycoprotein expression is not a useful predictor of acute or chronic kidney graft rejection.
Source Transpl Int 12:10-17, 1999 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T, Döhler B, Scherer S, Mytilineos J
Title HLA compatibility and organ transplant survival.
Source Rev Immunogenetics 1:334-342, 1999 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Terness P, Dufter C, Linke S, Kerek F, Jung M, Watzlik A, Jung T, Opelz G
Title HP12 - a highly purified helloborus species extract strongly potentiates the T-cell suppressive effect of cyclosporine A.
Source Transplant Proc 31:1174-1175, 1999 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G
Title Bluttransfusion und Nierentransplantation.
Source Nieren Hochdruckkrh 8:311-315, 1999 Abstract


Author(s) Mytilineos J, Lempert M, Scherer S, Schwarz V, Opelz G
Title Comparison of serological and DNA PCR-SSP typing results for HLA-A and HLA-B in 421 black individuals.
Source Hum Immunol 59:512-517, 1998 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title HLA compatibility and kidney grafts from unrelated live donors.
Source Transplant Proc 30:704-705, 1998 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T, Ritz E for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Association of chronic kidney graft failure with recipient blood pressure.
Source Kidney Int 53:217-222, 1998 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T
Title What to expect from a good kidney allocation system.
Source In Organ Allocation, Transplantation and Clinical Immunology 30 (J.L. Touraine, J. Traeger, H. Betuel, J.M. Dubernard, J.P. Revillard, C. Dupuy, Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht 1998, pp. 57-60
Author(s) Weimer R, Zipperle S, Daniel V, Carl S, Staehler G, Opelz G
Title Superior 3-year kidney graft function in patients with impaired pretransplant Th2 responses.
Source Transplant Int 11 (Suppl 1):350-356, 1998 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplants Study
Title Relationship between maintenance dose of cyclosporine and longterm kidney graft survival.
Source Transplant Proc 30:1716-1717, 1998 Full Text
Author(s) Linke S, Dufter C, Kerek F, Jung M, Watzlik A, Jung T, Opelz G, Terness P
Title Functional characterization of HP12: A novel immunosuppressant purified from helleborus species
Source Transplant Proc 30:4106-4107, 1998 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Evaluation of immunosuppressive induction regimens in renal transplantation.
Source Transplant Proc 30:4029-4030, 1998 Full Text
Author(s) Heering P, Hetzel R, Grabensee B, Opelz G
Title Renal transplantation in secondary systemic amyloidosis.
Source Clin Transplantation 12:159-164, 1998 Abstract
Author(s) Opelz G
Title Optimizing immunosuppression in renal transplantation.
Source In Transplantation 98: Setting a New Aganda (R.W.G. Johnson, Ed), 4D Communications, Oxford 1998, pp.43-51
Author(s) De Meester J, Persijn GG, Wujciak T, Opelz G, Vanrenterghem Y for the Eurotransplant International Foundation
Title The new Eurotransplant kidney allocation system: report one year after implementation.
Source Transplantation 66:1154-1159, 1998 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Chang YW, Mytilineos J, Opelz G, Hawkins BR
Title Distribution of human platelet antigens in a Chinese population.
Source Tissue Antigens 51:391-393, 1998 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Cadaver kidney graft outcome in relation to ischemia time and HLA match.
Source Transplant Proc 30:4294-4296, 1998 Full Text


Author(s) Opelz G, Vanrenterghem Y, Kirste G, Gray DWR, Horsburgh T, Lachance JG, Largiader F, Lange H, Vujaklija-Stipanovic K, Alvarez-Grande J, Schott W, Hoyer J, Schnuelle P, Decoeudres C, Ruder H, Wujciak T
Title Prospective evaluation of pretransplant blood transfusions in cadaver kidney recipients.
Source Transplantation 63:964-967, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Scherer S, Mytilineos J
Title Analysis of HLA-DR split- specificity matching in cadaver kidneytransplantation.
Source Transplantation 63:57-59, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Mytilineos J, Deufel A, Opelz G
Title Clinical relevance of HLA-DPB1 locus matching for cadaver kidney retransplants.
Source Transplantation 63:1351-1354, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T, Mytilineos J, Scherer S
Title Strategies and future of HLA matching in organ transplantation.
Source In Genetic Diversity of HLA: Functional and medical implication (D. Charron, ed.), EDK, Paris, pp. 80-83, 1997
Author(s) Stewart T, Henderson R, Grayson H, Opelz G
Title The incidence of rectal cancer, compared to gastric and colon cancer, in a population of 73,076 men and women chronically immuno-suppressed.
Source Clin Cancer Res 3:51-55, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Chronic graft loss in kidney and heart transplant recipients.
Source In Transplantation and Clinical Immunology 28: Late Graft Loss (J.L. Touraine, J. Traeger, H. Betuel, J.M. Dubernard, J.P. Revillard, C. Dupuy, eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht 1997, pp. 3-12
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Critical evaluation of the association of acute with chronic graft rejection in kidney and heart transplantat recipients.
Source Transplant Proc 29:73-76, 1997 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Schwarz V for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Clinical implications of DNA typing in organ transplantation.
Source Transplant Proc 29:1524-1527, 1997 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Multicenter evaluation of immunosuppressive regimens in heart transplantation.
Source Transplant Proc 29:617-619, 1997 Full Text
Author(s) Wujciak T, Opelz G
Title Matchability as an important factor for kidney allocation according to the HLA match.
Source Transplant Proc 29:1403-1405, 1997 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Impact of HLA compatibility on survival of kidney transplants from unrelated live donors.
Source Transplantation 64:1473-1475, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G
Title HLA analysis of kidney transplants performed in member countries of MESOT.
Source Transplant Proc 29:2917-2919, 1997 Full Text
Author(s) Jassal SV, Opelz G, Cole E
Title Transplantation in the elderly: A review.
Source Geriatric Nephrol Urol 7:157-165, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Mytilineos J, Lempert M, Middleton D, Williams F, Cullen C, Scherer S, Opelz G
Title HLA class I DNA typing of 215 "HLA-A,-B,-DR zero mismatched" kidney transplants.
Source Tissue Antigens 50:355-358, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Mytilineos J, Christ U, Lempert M, Opelz G
Title Comparison of typing results by serology and polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers for HLA-Cw in 650 individuals.
Source Tissue Antigens 50:395-400, 1997 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T
Title Current results of organ retransplantation.
Source Proc 29th Conf Transplantation Clin Immunol: Retransplantation. (J.L. Touraine, J. Traeger, H. Betuel, J.M. Dubernard, J.P. Revillard, C. Dupuy, eds.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 3-14, 1997
Author(s) Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Wujciak T
Title The influence of HLA matching and DNA typing on kidney and heart transplant survival in black recipients.
Source Transplant Proc 29:3333-3335, 1997 Full Text


Author(s) Opelz G
Title Are post-transplant lymphomas inevitable?
Source Nephrol Dial Transplant 11:1952-1955, 1996 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G
Title Ergebnisse der Nierentransplantation.
Source Bay Int 16: 10-12, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G, Schwarz V, Grayson H, Henderson R, Schnobel R, Wujciak T, Ruhenstroth A
Title Multicenter analysis of posttransplant malignancies.
Source In Cancer in Transplantation: Prevention and Treatment (J. L. Touraine, J. Traeger, H. Betuel, J.M. Dubernard, J.P. Revillard, C. Dupuy, eds.), Transplantation and Clinical Immunology Vol. 27, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 17-23, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G
Title Results of cardiac transplantation and factors influencing survival based on the Collaborative Heart Transplant Study.
Source In The Transplantation and Replacement of Thoracic Organs (D.K.C Cooper, L.W. Miller, G.A. Patterson, Eds.). Kluwer, Lancaster, pp. 417-427, 1996
Author(s) Wujciak T, Opelz G
Title Evaluation of a regional cadaver donor kidney allocation policy.
Source Transplant Proc 28:234-235, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Comparative analysis of kidney preservation methods.
Source Transplant Proc 28:87-90, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T, Mytilineos J, Scherer S
Title Kidney allocation: Potential for improvements.
Source Transplant Proc 28:31-33, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Influence of original disease on long-term outcome of cadaver kidney transplant.
Source Transplant Proc 28:1148-1149, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Effect of HLA compatibility on kidney transplant survival in Asians.
Source Transplant Proc 28:1141- 1143, 1996
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Five-year results of renal transplantation in highly sensitized recipients.
Source Transpl Int 9 (Suppl 1):16-19, 1996 Abstract
Author(s) Wujciak T, Opelz G
Title Evaluation of the permissible mismatch concept.
Source Transpl Int 9 (Suppl 1):8-10, 1996 Abstract
Author(s) Opelz G
Title The influence of recipient age on kidney transplant outcome.
Source Nephrology 2 (Suppl 1):211-214, 1996
Author(s) Feucht HE, Opelz G
Title The humoral immune response towards HLA class II determinants in renal transplantation.
Source Kidney Int 50:1464-1475, 1996 Full Text


Author(s) Opelz G, Schwarz V, Wujciak T, Schnobel R, Henderson R, Grayson H
Title Analysis of non-Hodgkins lymphomas in organ transplant recipients.
Source Transpl Rev 9:231-240, 1995 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T
Title Optimal use of cadaver kidneys for transplantation.
Source In Organ Shortage:The Solutions, Transplantation and Clinical Immunology Vol 26 (J.L. Touraine, J. Traeger, H. Betuel, J.M Dubernard, J.P. Revillard, C. Dupuy, Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 161-165, 1995
Author(s) Scherer S, Mytilineos J, Forssmann U, Dunckley H, Trejaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Opelz G
Title Analysis of rare HLA-DRB1- DQB1 haplotypes in kidney donors and recipients.
Source Transplant Proc 27:684-685, 1995
Author(s) Opelz G, Wujciak T
Title Cadaver kidneys should be allocated according to the HLA match.
Source Transplant Proc 27:93-99, 1995
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Repeated HLA mismatches increase the failure rate of second kidney transplants.
Source Transplant Proc 27:658-659, 1995
Author(s) Donnelly PK, Oman P, Henderson R, Opelz G
Title Predialysis living donor renal transplantation: Is it still the "Gold Standard" for cost, convenience, and graft survival?
Source Transplant Proc 27:1444-1446, 1995
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Efficacy of rejection prophylaxis with OKT3 in renal transplantation.
Source Transplantation 60:1220-1224, 1995 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Ponticelli C, Opelz G
Title Are corticosteroids really necessary in renal transplantation?
Source Nephrol Dial Transplant 10:1587-1591, 1995 Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G
Title Optimising long-term graft survival.
Source In Transplantation 95: The outlook for transplantation towards 2000. (RWG Johnson, Ed.), Internat Congr Symp Series 211, Royal Soc Med Press, London, pp:77-83, 1995
Author(s) Stewart T, Tsai SCJ, Grayson H, Henderson R, Opelz G
Title Incidence of de-novo breast cancer in women chronically immunosuppressed after organ transplantation.
Source Lancet 346:796-798, 1995 Abstract Full Text
Author(s) Opelz G for the Collaborative Transplant Study
Title Influence of treatment with cyclosporine, azathioprine and steroids on chronic allograft failure.
Source Kidney Int 48, Suppl 52:89-92, 1995 Abstract


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